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Hsu Yunshan was born and grew up in the precious island, Taiwan.

Since childhood, she had a lot of questions about life and death, and she likes to think and observe.Because she wants to find what is the meaning of life? What is truth? What is the essence? In her early twenties, she began creating art.


Art creation is dialogue, introspection, expression, adventure, exploration, destruction and reconstruction...,These complex inner workings allow her to constantly dig inward and observe herself.Her artistic creation records her self-dialogue and life experience, as well as her understanding and exploration of truth.


As she grows older, she realizes that the experience of life is a priceless treasure as a human being.All the things that flow through life, big things, small things... Whether you remember it or not, these experiences are indeed stacked, fermented, matured and transformed.

The truth that she doubts and pursues are constantly changing at different stages and events in her life, showing their incomparable flexibility and changeable appearance.

She said: Thanks to creation for enriching my life and helping me understand life. I will continue creating.


2024  Inner Light <內在之光> 聯展, 草也Zasso, 台灣 台中,Taichung,Taiwan

2021  文化部藝術銀行 作品購藏計畫 , <不知自心>系列, 台灣 台中,Taichung,Taiwan

2020  <Visible Secret  看得見的秘密>  聯展, 藝術銀行,台灣 台中,Taichung,Taiwan

2020  空間聯展 , 行政院農業委員會林務局,台灣 台北,Taipei,Taiwan

2019   Refine / Tokyo, Japan,【淬・煉】 臺灣當代藝術展  聯展, 日本 東京, Tokyo, Japan 

2019   Written with soft power, 【溫柔書寫】聯展, 人文遠雄博物館 ,台灣 新北市 Taiwan


2016  文化部藝術銀行 作品購藏計畫 , <筆觸實驗>系列, 台灣 台中

2015 【藝術╳時尚展演: 跨域的美學衝擊】藝術講座 ,聯展 ,台灣 台北

2014  文化部藝術銀行 作品購藏計畫 , <筆觸實驗>系列,台灣 台中

2013 【Really Simple.其實可以很簡單】個展,文英館文英畫廊, 台灣 台中, Taichung, Taiwan


2012 【緣聚】 個展,胡同飲集聚場 ,台灣 台中,Taichung, Taiwan

2009  【 INTERbeing 互即互入】個展 , 可可人文咖啡,台灣台北, Taipei, Taiwan

2008   INTERACTION     Malvern Town Hall & Prahran Town Hall, Melbourne, Australia 
         【交互作用】 個展,


2006  【HARMONY 和諧】個展 ,桃園縣婦女館, 台灣桃園, Taoyuan Women Center, Taiwan

2002   HARMONY    Bevier Gallery, Rochester Institute of Technology RIT,NY, USA  
         【和諧】 個展 ,
貝芙耶畫廊,美國 紐約 羅徹斯特


2002    HARMONY    Gallery One, Rochester Institute of Technology RIT, NY, USA
          【和諧】 個展,
壹畫廊 美國 紐約 羅徹斯特


2001    HARMONY      Hartnett Gallery, University of Rochester U of R , NY, USA
 哈奈特畫廊,美國 紐約 羅徹斯特

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