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Brushstrokes Experiment series

[專注、單一、重複、覺察] 的筆觸實驗




[concentration, singleness, repetition and awareness] : brushstroke experiment 

This series deliberately looks for simplified elements to create, and wants to experiment with the possibility of simplified elements in creation. The reason why this series is set to use a single brushstroke is because in the process of looking for simplified elements, I found that the trajectory created by each strokebrush  is a true record, fully presenting and retaining the "process". I am very admired this feature that could represent the process faithfully, so I decided to use it as a basic element.

In addition, I observed that the trajectory of each stroke is unique, just like our breath, every breath is "new" one. Be aware of each stroke contains a complete beginning, process and the end. That is, each stroke has a birth and a death and in between. And all these are happening continuously.

Each painting has a different dialogue, and sharing one inspiration of them : the flow of life, there is conflict, struggle and surrender, harmony, coexistence, and cooperation. There are extremes and contradictions in life, as well as balance and compromise. Each stroke is a truthful record, recording the beginning, process and end. Just like every encounter, experience and event in life overlaps and intersects with each other. It may be a fragment of life, or it may be the true appearance of life.

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