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Yun Shan Hsu 


Creation is a process of constant experimentation,

It is a way of finding the essence.



關於創作,分享一句尊崇的近代畫家Robert Ryman所說過的話:

"There is never any question of what to paint only how to paint."


Painting is a tool that allows us to experience and present the present moment.

Light and shadow, color, movement and texture are all elements that I love to experiment with.

If we observe each element carefully, you can find it echoes the outside world,

and you can also find the characteristics (of the elements) that correspond to your inner world.

The energy of these elements can shown be creation,

and at the same time,  creation also make connect with myself and the world.


About creation, I would like to share a quote from the revered modern painter Robert Ryman:

"There is never any question of what to paint only how to paint."

What (subject) to draw is not a problem, the key is how you draw.

​I agree with what he said very much, painting (verb) itself is the theme,

which is also one of the central axes of my creation.

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