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2024 更新中




重置的時期,一片混沌。感覺混亂,試著將自己安置在這種狀態... 無法掌握的一切....





而堆積的這些 ,在某處凝成力量,讓我得以翻轉、或找到前進的方向。







In the past few years, life has changed a lot due to sudden changes in the environment (coronavirus disease) and the sudden death of family members. There was a sudden pause, a period of chaos, and an inner darkness.

These uncertainties and sudden changes made me rethink the purpose and meaning of life.


The period of reset is chaos. Feeling chaotic, trying to place yourself in this state... unable to grasp everything....

Many things have been taken for granted and are not the original intention. Can I honestly and bravely look at myself at this time? After all, what do you want? What do you want to tell yourself at this point in your life?


I kept digging inside to find answers.

There is always a lot of tug, struggle, stagnation...

And the accumulation of these things condensed into strength somewhere, allowing me to turn over or find the way forward.

I try to follow the flow of life and feel the passing and accumulation of it all.


When creating, it is a constant dialogue with oneself.

By interacting with the canvas, I become aware of my own thoughts and habits... I still believe that knowing myself is the way to find answers. The creative process always reminds me of many things: no need to rush to conclusions, no need to define, no need to stick to the results...

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