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神聖幾何 /生命之花 系列
Sacred Geometry series 





而神聖幾何 (加上神聖兩個字)是因為他的產生方式是最基本、端正的幾何圖形 。


所以這個源頭 ,是一個穩固的存在 。

而我們在繪製時 ,因為接觸到這些最初始的狀態,會帶給我們內在一種安穩、踏實和規律的感覺,可以感受到他帶來的秩序 。

The reason why sacred geometry is sacred ...

Because if we look at all matter,

They are all made up of geometric structures.

And sacred geometry (plus the word sacred) is because the way it is produced is the most basic and correct geometric figure.

Like the source of all shapes, other shapes are its extension, transformation, and evolution.

Therefore, this source is a stable existence.

When we draw, because we are exposed to these initial states, it will give us a sense of stability, solidity and regularity within us, and we can feel the order it brings.

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