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互及互入 / 緣聚 系列
InterBeinng series

所謂互即互入 (inter being)簡易的來說是指世上沒有獨立存在的個體,萬物 (你、我、時間、空間等)相互依存,不可分割。







(2009.11 于 台北 可可人文咖啡個展)

The so-called interbeing simply means that there is no independent individual in the world. All things (you, me, time, space, etc.) are interdependent and inseparable.​

The famous Thich Nhat Hanh gave an example; if you are a poet, you will clearly see that there is a cloud flying in the paper. Without clouds, there is no rain;

without rain, trees cannot grow; and without trees, we cannot make paper. If we look deeper, we also see sunlight, a lumberjack, wheat, and the lumberjack's parents.

Without these things, the paper could not exist. In fact, you can't point out one thing that is not in the paper. Time, space, soil, rain, minerals in the soil, sunlight, clouds, rivers, heat and mind, everything coexists with this paper, so the cloud Washi and paper are interdependent, and paper exists because everything else exists. In fact, paper is made entirely of non-paper elements.

No matter how thin the paper is, it contains everything in the universe. We cannot exist alone, we have to exist inter-subjectively with everything else.​

This concept can be extended to everything around us. Many seemingly unrelated things are also ingeniously related and influence each other.

(2009.11 Solo Exhibition at Coco Humanities Café, Taipei)

​關於 “緣聚則成,緣散則滅”






About "When fate gathers, it will be completed; when fate falls apart, it will perish"

All things in our lives, from actual physical bodies (such as our body) or abstract relationships (social interpersonal relationships), relationships between animals and nature, etc., constitute the current appearance of everything in the world. I want to use various colors, shapes, dynamics and other elements to show the above-mentioned aspects of the world. There are various states in the world, peace and war, communication and rejection, harmonious destruction... Such diverse and simultaneous occurrences constitute the appearance of the world.


All things come and go, increase and decrease, advance and retreat... The laws that all things follow are based on causes and conditions. If there is a cause, there will be an effect, and the effect sometimes becomes a cause, and the endless scrolling, Infinite transformations. Things can come into being because all the causes and conditions that create them are sufficient, so they can come into being. The same is true for dissipation and destruction. When the causes of formation are no longer sufficient, they will perish.

Although there are only two words for "karma", it contains the most complex elements in the world. If you think about it carefully, how difficult it is to generate (karma).

"If fate gathers, it will come true; if fate separates, it will perish." It tells a fact, a truth, and a rule of how the world operates.

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